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Sofa with 3D Touch

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It’s been a little over two months since we released Sofa 1.0. We’ve been working hard on new features, but we’ve also been doing a lot of listening.

Luckily, people are happy to share their thoughts and ideas for what Sofa should do next. We’ve been digesting all of this feedback and slowly planning out our next steps. Sofa 1.1 is the first step in that plan.

What’s New

**3D Touch
**Now all you 6s & 6s Plus users can quickly jump to Discover, Search, or My List directly from your home screen. Cool beans.

Universal Links
If you’re on iOS 9, then any Sofa link will open directly in the app. No more of that jumping to the browser nonsense.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Movie details would crash on occasion (older devices only tho)
  • Fixed: Our People page couldn’t handle some artist’s impressive filmography and would just give up. But who wants that?!

As always, thanks to everyone who have been using Sofa and providing great feedback. We truely appreciate it. We have a lot more in the works, so stay tuned📺

If you haven’t downloaded Sofa, you can grab it from the App Store. You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

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