Throw it on The Pile
A quick place to save stuff you’re not ready to organize.

You know that place in your home where you put things you’ll deal with later? Things like mail, bills to pay, or a package to return? That’s what “The Pile” is like in Sofa.
The Pile is a quick place to throw something that you’ll organize later.
For example, let’s say you’re getting lunch with a friend and they recommend an interesting podcast. You can quickly open Sofa, search the podcast, throw it on The Pile, and then get back to your conversation.
Super Tip
When adding an item to The Pile, add a quick Sticky Note to remember who recommended the item to you. This is helpful when going through The Pile later on.
Later on, you can go through items in The Pile and organize them into lists or add them to the Logbook.