Version 4.0.2



  • Improved keyboard shortcuts for adding new items
  • Added release year for movie and tv show search results
  • Added additional “Is Empty” and “Is Not Empty” menu options for single and multi-select filters for Smart Lists.

Bug Fixes

  • FIXED: Description text wasn’t editable for non-Super Sofa users when creating custom items
  • FIXED: Logbook layout issue on iPad
  • FIXED: Pinned Items on the home screen was showing items that were no longer pinned
  • FIXED: Crash when opening from widgets
  • FIXED: Crash caused by bad image urls
  • FIXED: Categories weren’t filtering correctly for Smart Lists
  • FIXED: Duplicate Easy Categories displaying for Smart List filters and shortcuts
  • FIXED: Crash when pinning and unpinning items in a Smart List
  • FIXED: Crash when deleting an Ingredient

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